ArT PlAy

Bottle cap (1 of 1)-11
Today, I challenged myself to create something with my art supplies.  It didn't have to be blog post worthy (though, here it is anyway), and it didn't have to be some great work of art.  I just had to create something fun.  I put aside work for a little bit, and played.  I started with a bottle cap that I bought while out shopping with a friend.  It was one of those things that seemed like a good idea in the store, but once I got home…what was I thinking?!  It's been sitting for months, and I mean months, waiting for some great plan.  I stared at it for a little bit, thinking it kinda looked like a tart pan, which just made me hungry….so, after 2 Ferrero Rocher candies later I was formulating a plan.  I thought it looked like the perfect embellishment for the front cover of my next art journal!  Yes, that is exactly what it was meant to be!  Here's what I did:

Bottle cap (1 of 1)-3 I rubbed Rub 'n Buff all over the tart pan, I mean bottle cap

Bottle cap (1 of 1)-4 I traced the shape of the cap onto some 7 Gypsies Lille paper, and cut it out.

Bottle cap (1 of 1)-5 I inked the edges of the paper, and used Golden Gel Medium to adhere it to the inside of the cap.

              Bottle cap (1 of 1)-6     Bottle cap (1 of 1)-7
I accordion folded a 1/2" x 7" strip of paper, and Scor-taped the ends together.  I added Scor-tape to the back of a wide eyelet, taped the accordion folded paper into place, and set the eyelet.  This closes the eyelet over the paper, and creates a pretty little flower.

Bottle cap (1 of 1)-8 I rubbed the flowers and eyelets with more Rub 'n Buff, and added 7 Gypsies Spiral Mini Clips to the flowers.

Bottle cap (1 of 1)-9 I rubbed a little black acrylic paint around the edge of the cap.  I Scor-taped my flowers into place, added some hardware and phrase stickers on pop dots.

Bottle cap (1 of 1)-2
Bottle cap (1 of 1) I hope you challenge yourself to create something fun today!

Be sure to check out yesterday's post for a fabulous giveaway, and a new workshop!

Melissa Logo 55

14 responses

  1. Blog worthy? Are you kidding? I absolutely love this! I am an artist myself, and find it very refreshing to see others do amazing things outside of the typical scrapbooking realm. Truly inspiring!

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