Cartographer Card

Today I wanted to share with you a card that I have had sitting on my desk for weeks driving me nuts.  One beautiful afternoon I decide to make a quick and easy card with the new Prima Cartographer goodies I just got.  Within minutes I had cut out the papers I wanted, picked out the tags and flower, inked the edges, and put it all together ready for glue.  However, I felt like it was missing a white doily to layer with the black clear one.  It HAD to have a doily.  I searched and searched but there wasn’t a doily to be found in the studio.  So, it sat there and every few days I would search again for the elusive doily.  I KNOW  I certainly have scores of them somewhere.  Apparently, the same monster that eats socks in the washing machine also has a penchant for doilies.  I finally came across one, lone doily in a stack of the kids’ stuff.  Yes!  My card was complete!  Sheeeew!  Please tell me you can see the doily?! :)

Card-cartographer-1  Card-cartographer-1-2Card-cartographer-1-3Card-cartographer-1-5Card-cartographer-1-4Despite the pain of finding a doily, I think it turned out very pretty.  I am glad I didn’t throw it in my discard pile.

This weekend was Mother’s Day!  I hope everyone had a wonderful day celebrating the amazing mothers out there!  I was fortunate enough to spend Sunday with my beautiful Mom.  As I grow older, I appreciate everything she has done for me more and more.  I recognize the sacrifices and challenges of being a mother, and commend her for raising three rowdy kids.   She is such an amazing woman with such strength and courage.  If I can do half as good a job, I will be pleased with myself.

For Mother’s Day, Bob treated me to my favorite meal on Saturday.  He spent hours in the kitchen, which made me feel pretty guilty, but it also felt nice to be pampered.  We had shrimp cocktail, caprese salad, Prime rib-eye, and lobster mac & cheese served on the deck.  I felt like a queen with a man with mad cooking skills :)  I owe a BIG, GIANT thank you to Mr. Wonderful!

Mothersday3 Mothersday4Mothersday5If I didn’t already feel special enough, here are the darling cards my girls made for me.

MothersDayMothersday2I could not be more fortunate to have such a loving and caring family.  My husband and my three children are truly a gift that I am thankful for everyday.



2 responses

  1. So glad you had a great day. I spent the day with my almost 83 yr old mom. We surprised her at church and took her out to dinner. So much fun. Blest I still have her on this earth.

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