Creative Therapy

This weekend I had to take a little time out for some creative therapy.  My business is thriving, and growing at the speed of light, which is awesome except that it means 14+ hour days everyday.  The goal of my business is to make the art of scrapbooking accessible and affordable for everyone, because I want everyone to experience the happiness & joy that comes from creating.  I've been going at such a fast pace, "I" needed to stop and indulge in the happiness of art journaling.

Art journaling is one of my favorite things because to me it's almost like word association for art.  I'll try to explain that, because I know it sounds a little strange.  When I'm creating a mini album or layout I'm constantly thinking about composition and color…how all the elements are going together…does the design flow, make sense, etc.  When I do art journaling it's as if I don't think, I just start.  It's my book for my eyes, and it doesn't have to be perfect.  I start painting, water coloring, ink…just adding layers and layers.  It doesn't have to "make sense."  It's just fantasy…it's my world where metal gears have pearls, and butterflies turn the gears of a pocket watch.  Since I'm not a writer, it's like my diary but with layers and design elements  that tell the story instead of a page of words.

Art journal (1 of 1)

Art journal (1 of 1)-4

Art journal (1 of 1)-2

Art journal (1 of 1)-3

Art journal (1 of 1)-5 Be sure to come back tomorrow, and I'll share another art journal page with you.
Melissa Logo 55

12 responses

  1. Beautiful art pages……you are not a writer you say? You could of fooled me. Congrats on your success in your shop…remember to take lots of time for yourself.

  2. Amazingly beautiful girl! I always love to see what you create . . its nice to see you taking some time for yourself to “PLAY”. Congrats on your business. . . you are amazing! :)

  3. What a great definition of an art journal. Thanks for articulating that! Congratulations on the business growing.

  4. I enjoy the fact that you get that therapy for yourself.
    I think that is why I create- not sure it always looks the best, but I enjoyed making something.
    Isn’t art the best?
    Thanks for sharing your pages

  5. Well aren’t these pretty pages? I’ve been ‘art journaling’ for years and never knew there was a name for it.
    Thank you for posting such lovely things. I’m fairly new to your blog but already look forward to it each day.

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