Hey guys! Just a little note to let you all know that my store is going to be set up on site at my Retreat this weekend, therefore, I'm going to have to shut the online store down starting Thursday night (July 14th) around 10pm (EST). If you're thinking of placing an order, you must do it before that time. All orders placed this week will ship as usual (same or next business day, depending on what time you place your order). My online store will reopen on Monday, July 18th, however any orders placed from July 18-22 will not ship until July 25th when I return from CHA. Speaking of CHA, make sure you check the blog often next week for pics and videos of the new product releases deputing at CHA. I'll be showing you my purchase for the online store, so stay tuned…
Here's a little peek at my desk. In between working, I'm putting together name badges for my retreat. I have to admit, for some strange reason, this is one of my favorite things to do.
And, on a personal note, my DH and I have been working crazy long hours lately, so we both took the day off Saturday to take the kids on a trip to the zoo. We only live 15 minutes away, so you'd think we'd remember to go more often. And, don't ask me what was going on in the goat enclosure…no idea…maybe a jail break in progress!
AWWWWW………..I see my name tag (or at least I’m telling myself it’s me
SO excited!!!!!!
I had a moments panic when I first read that your online store was shutting down…..be still my heart! (grin). Was relieved that it will be up and running again after the 18th! That’s a relief!
Have a wonderful, successful time of it with the Retreat!
I’m sure you’ll need a ‘vacation’ afterwards:)
P.S….the girls are adorable! And I’ll take the goats! (Always room for more pets at my house:)
That goat pic is too funny! and your girls are so cute!!! Good for you, taking a day off, sounds like you deserve it
Love your blog, by the way- thanks for sharing!