Tutorial Thursday: Card Using Glimmer Mist & Mistables Canvas Ribbon

Here's a cute, slightly masculine, card using using KaiserCraft Hunt & Gather paper, Pink Paislee Mistable Canvas Scallop Ribbon, and Glimmer Mist.  It's super duper easy. I started by stamping Pink Paislee Mistables Scallop Ribbon with a script stamp using Stazon ink (use a permanent ink so it doesn't bleed when you mist it). I […]

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UStream Recording-Life’s Moments Journal

Hey Guys!!  Thanks so much to everyone who joined me last night on UStream.  I had a blast!  You guys are awesome!  If you missed it, not to worry.  Here’s the recording: If you liked the show, and want to purchase a kit here’s the link http://www.melissasamuels.net/store/Life%27s%20Moments%20Journal%20Workshop%20UStream%20June%2027th,%208pm%20%28EST%29  Of course, the recording is free and open […]

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