Week of Christmas Ornaments: Day 4

Hi Everyone!  It's day 4 of our week of ornaments!  Today I did a folding ornament.  I made these a couple years ago for the front of a card, and I thought they would be perfect as an ornament.  I did a video tutorial to show you just how easy they are to make.   I hope you'll have family craft night soon to make these for your tree!
Ornament-17Come visit our online store at http://www.melissasamuels.net for these and other great products!

Want a chance to win a $50 gift certificate?  Here's how to enter:

1. Leave a comment on each post this week.  You will receive one entry for each daily comment (limit 1 entry per day).

2.  (OPTIONAL) For an extra chance to win, blog about our giveaway! Every day that you blog about our giveaway receive an extra entry!  You may use the image below  to link us, or images of the ornaments.  IF YOU USE IMAGES YOU MUST LINK TO OUR BLOG OR STORE.   (Step #2 is OPTIONAL-I know not everyone has a blog).  If you don't have a blog, share our post on Facebook for an extra change to win.  When you leave your comment, let us know you also blogged or shared on Facebook so we can give you credit.


On Friday, a winner will be drawn from the entries.  It's that easy!!!!  Good luck, and Happy Holidays!Melissa Logo 55

42 responses

  1. OOOOO, Melissa, how pretty these are, I can totally see them on the fronts of cards (of course) or hanging from the tree! TFS!

  2. These are adorable and I something I can do.I am super impressed with the one handed scotch tape move-you are so coordinated-wow!

  3. Awesome . I came from Crafts Critique .We lost nearly all our Christmas ornaments in a flooded basement last spring, this will come in handy for creating new ones. Thanks a bunch!.

  4. Melissa,
    I don’t mind waiting through an initial 15-20 second ad, no problem. I don’t even mind having to close out an overlay ad once the video starts. But having that same overlay pop up over and over and over no matter how many times you close it, it still reopens.
    The ads cover up the bottom third of the video, and therefore covers up what you are doing with your hands in the tutorial.

    Ok, I understand that you get revenue from ads, I have no problem with that. At all. Really. But come on.

  5. Just found your ornament. I can’t wait to try it. And I may use heat n bond to fuse two fabrics to make them two sided.

  6. Absolutely beautiful work and love, love, love all your creativity!!
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